Rule The World with Laura Hoerner | Lists, Planners and Rewards


What does a typical day look like for you? On a good day, my boyfriend and I will wake up early enough to catch Off Leash Hours* in Fort Greene Park on our way to the Q train. I head to Apartment Therapy in SOHO, where I work as a designer and illustrator. I eat my lunch in Washington Square Park, if the weather permits, where I can people-watch and eat my salad in peace. At home, Jay and I cook dinner, eat, draw, relax, go for walks or watch some TV and then head to bed. *Everyday, before 9am, all dogs get to run free in the park and it is a fantastic spectacle. 

Why did you create this pattern? I love dogs, and Halloween. There’s an annual dog costume contest in Fort Greene Park that we NEVER miss!

Favorite productivity tip? Make lists! I love the way the Rule the World Planner helps me break down my goals into smaller tasks. Also- for big tasks that I know I don’t want to do, I will set a reward for myself! Always reward yourself for a job well done.

Favorite Dessert: How do I even choose! My Mom is an amazing baker, so I have been spoiled my entire life. I love Peach Pie. And Lemon Bars. And Cherry Oatmeal Kuchen. But also homemade Pop-Tarts are a new favorite.

Current Netflix Binge: Not on Netflix, but I am in love with RuPaul's Drag Race UK. It’s hilarious and I love the creativity in the outfits. Also, very ready to dive into the ever-cheesy, Netflix Christmas movie section. I’ll binge like 4 of 'em in a night. It’s a tradition.

Brunch or happy hour: I am for sure a Brunch gal. I love a good breakfast sandwich or French Toast.

What are you currently working on: Recently I met a Grey Hound named Sunny in fort Greene park that I’ve been drawing. It’s mostly dog illustrations. And Christmas cards! Love Laura's work as much as I do? You can download a free coloring page featuring her work here!

You can visit Laura's site, or see more of her work on Instagram!

Let's make next year our best year yet, and grab yourself the 2020 Rule The World Planner! If you're ahead of the game, be sure to sign up to receive a special freebie for ordering!