What would you do for a....

So if you know me, you know I'm a little overly obsessed with dogs, and most animals.Today as I was driving, I pulled onto a main street from stopping at Marshalls (of course) and this nice person stopped to let me in, and then... I yelped! As I was making a left onto the main street, I realized there was a newfie sticking it's adorable and mammoth head out the back window.  I started talking to myself in a baby voice "Oh that dog is so cute, I love Newfies, Oh hi cutie pie!" and then realized... WAIT! They're going to Petsmart! So... I turned around (U-Turn) and tried to catch up to them. It appears they were not going to PetSmart, and I lost them....Is it weird that I would go to such lengths to pet a newfie? Is it weird that I would do it for any dog?Since I love them so much, I figure I'll share some adorable pictures. Yes I realize this is a pony and a newfie, it makes me laugh.So adorable!PS I interviewed to work at a Doggy Day Care here, and they turned me down, mostly because of my schedule, but they said "You were too nice" with the dogs... since when is that a bad thing?Peace and Puppy love! (If you're a true lover click here!)

UncategorizedIlana Griffo