Bloom Yellow

bloomI know, I haven't written in quite some time, but I thought today's topic was definitely worth sharing. I've been an admirer of Joanna Waterfalls work for some time, and was fortunate enough to work under her creative direction a couple years ago for a project. She's as kind as could be, and so talented. She recently founded this incredible conference, The Yellow Conference, a place for ladies who want to change the world. Head over to the website to hear all about it, and if you're on the West Coast - you have no excuse for missing it. Now, Joanna is expanding the concept, and creating an online hub for female creatives can connect, receive mentoring, and take classes covering business and life (UM HELLO, YES PLEASE!). Creating this type of digital space is going to take a lot of time, and money, and she needs your help! The best part, is that for even donating a couple dollars, you get an awesome reward. When she talked with the beautiful women from Go Live HQ in a recent google hangout, I couldn't break away. I loved everything they were talking about, and felt like it was a great reflection of all the joy and valuable information, and friendships that this network will bring. The girls reminded me that done is better than perfect. Take that first step, weather it's sharing your product, ordering a print, or launching your website - just do it, there's plenty of room to grow and learn. I couldn't be more excited about this, and I can't wait to become a member and connect with so many amazing women like Joanna! Join the club, and share the love!