Changing Your Freelance Scenery

Changing Your Freelance Scenery by Ilana GriffoAfter a series of unfortunate events (or events that felt unfortunate at the time), I finally got clarity and was ready to move forward with a new, exciting vision for my freelance work... but then my internet died.Granted, the internet is bound to come back, but not for a few hours. Either way, it gave me an opportunity to pack up my things, and head to a local coffee shop. I decided to try one I haven't been to before that I had hoped I would one day try. Mind you - I'm not a big fan of coffee, it smells nice, and looks pretty, but I'm more excited about the environment, the gluten free pastries, and the pretty patterns they can put into my matcha latte.Getting up and heading to the coffee shop meant a few things:

  • I needed to get dressed (I already had on jeans and a jacket, but I felt better after throwing on some lip gloss).
  • I'd loose more time (I already felt behind after an hour trying to fix the issue)
  • Less multitasking - I take quick 5 minute breaks throughout the day to take care of things (put my dishes away, make sure Dizzy's having fun, etc)
  • I'd have to see other people

As a freelancer that works from home, I spend a lot of time in the house, and I wasn't exactly "excited" to head out the door, but I knew it'd be a good change.I got here, and felt a new rush of energy, and it wasn't from the caffeine boost. I felt inspired by the music, the beautiful floating shelves, industrial neighborhood, all the windows, and the people around me working. I even ran into another creative I haven't seen in a while and got to say hi.I did realize how quickly I jump from project to project, and back and forth throughout the course of a day. I need to force myself to change my scenery more often - it's refreshing, and can offer perspective. So who's local and wants to meet me for a co-working day? Also, who else can only wear headphones for a few hours?Tell me your favorite ways to change your scenery - do you visit a co-working space? How about moving around your house, or a coffee shop?