Copycats suck

If you're active on social media, I sure hope you've seen this already. Tuesday Bassen, an incredible illustrator, posted about her experience with fashion company, Zara. Zara copied her designs, and when her lawyer approached them, they basically said "you're small, we're big" and completely dismissed her concerns. Fortunately, the virtual world has her back, and we're all pushing to help her out. What surfaced after her announcement was tons of other talented artists also showing the same thing happening to them. Take a look at the image below to see how blatantly Zara has ripped off these talented designers. Zara Art TheftImagine how differently this would have worked out if Zara had contacted these designers and asked to license their work, or collaborate on a pin collection. Everyone would love Zara for supporting them, and the artists would be making a commission (let's say 4%) of sales to pay for their artwork. Wouldn't that be nice? Win/Win.As a designer, it's discouraging that this is what we have to watch for. We want to grow, and share our work, but the more we share, the larger we get, the more likely this is to happen. It happens everyday, and often times goes without being talked about. I'm so glad this group of artists is talking about it, and that the media is noticing.Thank you to Adam J Kurtz for compiling this list, and be sure to support the artists by shopping the link, and buying the originals.

Basically, SCREW YOU ZARA!