Creative Crush // Molly Hatch

I'm so excited to share Molly's home goods with you guys today, her pieces are so unique and I want everything!Molly HatchMolly Hatch Molly Hatch

WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS : ​I have to admit I am a bit of a control freak! I love that I manage my own time and take on projects that I am excited about. I think that one of the most rewarding parts of running your own business is that at the end of the day, you can take pride in knowing that you are working hard for yourself and for others. It makes it easier to work late hours and long days when you love what you are doing.FAVORITE CANDY/TREAT : Easy! I have always been a chocolate fan!
WHAT'S A RECENT FAVORITE FIND :  ​This is a bit of an unconventional answer--I have found that i adore having chickens! They are entertaining and so fun to have in my yard! My more conventional answer would be the V&A Museum Pattern Box Sets--love them, recently purchased them all!TELL US HOW YOU GOT STARTED WITH CERAMICS AND YOUR BUSINESS :  I started with ceramics purely out of curiosity in college. I took a summer class throwing pots on the wheel and loved it. From there, I continued to make pots for fun and studied drawing, painting and printmaking which later led to a combination of those traditional fine art mediums with ceramics. I have been in love with ceramics ever since.WHY DO YOU BLOG :  I blog to keep folks informed of news and events in my studio and with what I am making/designing.
ANY ADVICE FOR FELLOW ENTREPRENEURS : ​Be true to your interests--make what you want to have around you and in your life. If you enjoy it, so will others!WHO'S A FELLOW ENTREPRENEUR YOU'RE CRUSHING ON RIGHT NOW :  ​ ​Big big crushes on Danielle Kroll and Rob Ryan....
Get to know Molly! Pinterest / Twitter / Instagram / Facebook