Creative Crush // Asarum Designs

Love 'N Fresh Flowers tagged Asarum Designs as their creative crush, and I can see why! Dorene creates stunning jewelry, and I'm so glad she's here today! Her work is inspired by nature, and she really embraces the "imperfections" that make her work so stunning.     Asarum Designs Asarum Designs Asarum Designs Asarum Designs

WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS : My favorite thing about running my own business is getting to do what I love and being able to share it with others.  FAVORITE CANDY/TREAT :  I have type 1 diabetes so I try to stay away from the really good sweets.  I use stevia whenever I need some sweetness, like a drop or so on to of some blueberries and cream.  But my favorite lifesaving treat is dark chocolate, not too sweet but rich enough to satisfy.WHAT'S A RECENT FAVORITE FIND :  Meadowsweet Mercantile, a great shop with lovely and super cool owners in Manayunk, Philadelphia. Handmade body care products from Priya Means Love, everything she makes smells amazing and she uses clean and high quality ingredients.TELL US HOW YOU GOT STARTED WITH YOUR COMPANY : I have always been a creative and maker of things, I started by giving my creations away as gifts.  I think the business part started with local craft shows and then when I opened an Etsy shop the everything else started to fall into place.  WHY DO YOU BLOG : I really like to share what influences me and what inspires my work.  Besides my jewelry business I also have a small gardening business, I love to share the beauty I see in plant world.  My work is most inspired by nature; imperfect, detailed and mysterious and I love to share that through the blog.
ANY ADVICE FOR FELLOW ENTREPRENEURS : Keep doing what you love and what makes you happy, get your mind out of the way so you can allow the success to flow in your work and your business.  Also connect with others who’s work you appreciate, the world is full of amazing and generously helpful people.WHO'S A FELLOW ENTREPRENEUR YOU'RE CRUSHING ON RIGHT NOW :  I am totally in love with Love N Fresh Flowers.  Jennie Love is amazing, her work is gorgeous and her farm is magical.My crush on Bachestinks started at a local craft show.  Rachael Arnone makes really great kitchen gear & accessories from vintage, recycled and found materials.  She has a great personality and she loves what she does.Another creative that is very influential to me is my momma, Pequest Pottery.  She is starting to get back into her craft and she is making some really cool stuff.  We will be hitting the craft show scene together soon.As for jewelry:I met Interstellar Love Craft at a craft show and Marisa Krol really blew my mind.  Its like we share some creative brain waves.  She is super cool and is killing it with her awesome jewelry designs.There is something very special about Zen Elements’ jewelry designs.  Zendra Sharif is a beautiful person, friend, momma, and creative and she is making some amazing jewelry.
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