Creative Crush // Chelsea Foy of Lovely Indeed

I couldn't be more thankful for instagram today. A friend tagged me on Chelsea's feed, when she was reaching out for hand letterers. While I'm new to lettering, I of course was excited to take part, you can see the feature, and download the free desktop background here.  Of course, I asked her to share her story here! lovely indeed lovely indeedlovely indeed lovely indeed lovely indeed lovely indeed

WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS : I love being my own boss. I love having creative control of what I put into the world, and the ability to dream up new ideas and tailor them to fit my readership. (Making your own schedule is a bonus, too!)FAVORITE CANDY/TREAT :  Sour Patch Kids and Lemonheads, all the way.WHAT'S A RECENT FAVORITE FIND :  I'm just read Bringing Up Bebe, a book on French parenting. As a new mom-to-be, I thought it was pretty fascinating!TELL US HOW YOU GOT STARTED WITH YOUR COMPANY : After my husband proposed, I started getting way into DIY and lifestyle blogs. I decided that I had enough creative ideas to start my own, so I did. People started reading (thankfully!) and little jobs started trickling in via the blog. It snowballed into what it is today.WHY DO YOU BLOG : It's one of the best creative and emotional outlets I can think of. The audience of readers that you develop really does begin to feel like a group of supportive friends. And it's so wonderful to have a place to gather thoughts, ideas, projects, and anything you feel like including. It's like a really detailed journal of your life.
ANY ADVICE FOR FELLOW ENTREPRENEURS : Be original, be quality, be consistent.WHO'S A FELLOW ENTREPRENEUR YOU'RE CRUSHING ON RIGHT NOW :  I'm so inspired by the creativity and colors on Cocorrina. Brittany at The House that Lars Built has the most beautiful, innovative projects. And I can't get enough of This Wild Idea Instagram feed -- if you love dogs, check it out ASAP.
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