Creative Crush // Eliza Cerdeiros

I get so excited each time someone sends me their answers for this series, and today is no exception! Eliza is another incredible hand letterer, and I'm so excited to share her work here! Eliza ChalkEliza - YOEliza InvitationEliza FridayWHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS : I love creating for others. The joy I have when seeing someone with a print of mine in their home is indescribable.FAVORITE CANDY/TREAT : Ugh, my dentist is going to kill me. Brownies have the key to my heart and fruity candy like Jolly Ranchers or Starburst.

WHAT'S A RECENT FAVORITE FIND : I've been playing the trivia app, QuizUp against my friend Jill a lot. We are die hard FRIENDS fans. It gets intense!TELL US HOW YOU GOT STARTED WITH LETTERING : I've been unknowingly lettering since I was younger. I always drew graffiti lettering growing up when I was bored. I didn't realize what I was doing at the time. Now when I letter I think back to the past and realize, even though it was a different style, I was lettering all along!DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE TOOL : I'm most comfortable lettering with a mechanical pencil and my Artograph light box. Simple tools, very efficient! WHY DO YOU BLOG : I think it's important for others to see what i'm working on. I love to inspire others! I started Motivational Monday to help myself and others get into a better mindset at the beginning of their week. Start the week off right and you can move mountains!ANY ADVICE FOR FELLOW ENTREPRENEURS : Keep doing what you do! Practice never hurt anybody! Also, social media will be your best friend! Promoting yourself and making friends with other great designers/bloggers is what it's all about!WHO'S A FELLOW ENTREPRENEUR YOU'RE CRUSHING ON RIGHT NOW : I have so many design crushes! My overall fave lettering artist has to be Jay Roeder! His type speaks to me. Every time I see his lettering, I get weak in the knees.
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