Creative Crush // Emily Jeffords

I'm beyond excited to share the work of Emily Jeffords with you guys today! Her work is amazing, and she's sweet as could be. I'm so glad Mattie encouraged me to reach out to her! I want to live inside the beautiful yellow painting.Emily Jeffords on Sugar and TypeEmily Jeffords on Sugar and Type Emily Jeffords on Sugar and Type  Emily Jeffords on Sugar and Type Emily Jeffords on Sugar and Type Emily Jeffords on Sugar and Type Emily Jeffords on Sugar and Type Emily Jeffords on Sugar and Type Emily Jeffords on Sugar and Type

WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS : ​There are so many aspects to being the artist behind my business and the trick is learning to love them all.  They all give me the liberty to be creative, flexible, energized, and passionate.  I’m an artist, so of course my favorite part of the “job” are the times at the easel… but even the boring or hard parts are 100% worth it because, at the end of the day, it’s all about sharing artwork with people all around the world, and that’s totally amazing.FAVORITE CANDY/TREAT : Chocolate cookies!!!  I’m such a child of the 90’s and I don’t care. …and French press coffee.  Every day.WHAT'S A RECENT FAVORITE FIND :  ​Maybe it’s the explorer within me, but it seems I’m always on the hunt for new things.  Current faves:  Music by Ben Howard, Podcast: Serial, Paintbrushes: Rosemary Brushes, Gourmet Goodie: Truffle Oil Salt.TELL US HOW YOU GOT STARTED WITH YOUR ART : I grew up expressing myself through music (violin & piano) while always creating with my hands.  I ended up going to art school and focusing on 2D art.  After college I began teaching art to all ages and creating a painting a day for several months.   That really helped to develop my artistic eye and helped to launch my career as a professional artist.  Creating a career as an artist takes time and consistency.WHY DO YOU BLOG : I began my blog as a way to catalogue and express my creativity.  I had two little girls and wasn’t really able to paint consistently so this was my outlet.  Since then has grown and become a place to talk about the ins and outs of crafting a creative business and where I share bits of my artistic process.
ANY ADVICE FOR FELLOW ENTREPRENEURS : ​Fall in love.  Really.  Creativity is such a beautiful rush, but when that feeling runs short you have to depend on love and passion; that thing deep within you that helps you to push through the fatigue and avoid burn out.  And along with that, give yourself a lot to space to mess up.  No everything we create will be perfect, not every day will feel good, but the big picture – your creative goal - is worth the struggleWHO'S A FELLOW ENTREPRENEUR YOU'RE CRUSHING ON RIGHT NOW :  ​Oh this is such a fun time to be a creative!  So many great ways to share our passion!  Some makers I know personally and think are doing a crazy beautiful job:1: Modern Calligraphy (and rad letterpressed cards) Allison & Daniel of Ink Meets Paper2: Crazy beautiful botanical prints (like the handmade prints – not computer prints) of Chris Koelle3: Barb Blair – Knack Studio (she’s writing her second book and it is already proving to be totally beautiful and inspiring!  #knackbook2)Get to know Emily!  Site / Instagram / Twitter