Creative Crush // Farmgirl Flowers

Last week, Mary Dougherty introduced me to her creative crush, Farmgirl Flowers, and I'm hooked! I'm so excited to have them here today!Farmgirl Flowers on Sugar and TypeFarmgirl Flowers on Sugar and TypeFarmgirl Flowers on Sugar and TypeFarmgirl Flowers on Sugar and TypeFarmgirl Flowers on Sugar and Type Farmgirl Flowers on Sugar and TypeFarmgirl Flowers on Sugar and TypeFarmgirl Flowers on Sugar and Type Farmgirl Flowers on Sugar and TypeFarmgirl Flowers on Sugar and Type  Farmgirl Flowers on Sugar and TypeWHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS : many great things. I love the creative freedom, and getting to do something that really makes a difference. I also really appreciate getting to build a great team of amazing people - and feel so blessed to be able to work with them on a daily basis. Probably the absolute best thing though is that I'm fulfilling a lifelong dream - you might say the #1 spot on my bucket list - to start a business that makes a positive impact in the world. I truly believe what Jim Carey so eloquently said in his commencement speech at Maharishi University a couple weeks ago - "You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance at doing what you love." I'm so grateful for the opportunity to chance it!FAVORITE CANDY/TREAT :  Froyo - because I can talk myself into believing it's healthy. :)WHAT'S A RECENT FAVORITE FIND : Brene Brown, whom I really believe is my best friend, even though she doesn't yet know it. (really, not a stalker)TELL US HOW YOU GOT STARTED WITH YOUR COMPANY : I started Farmgirl Flowers with an idea of how to change the way flowers were purchased in the US. I saw so many problems in the industry that I thought we could fix - imports by only buying CA grown flowers, waste by offering 1 daily arrangement (which reduces our waste by about 40%), and aesthetic by providing designs that are more on trend than the traditional eCommerce flower companies. I created our trademarked burlap wrapped bouquet as a way to differentiate our product in the marketplace (and also offers a bio-degradable alternative to plastic), and delivery via bicycle which is not only cute, but better for the environment. We started in SF to prove the concept, always with the intention of expanding nationally, which is what we're currently working on!

ANY ADVICE FOR FELLOW ENTREPRENEURS : Resilience and patience are key. The first couple years are so difficult - for everyone, so you're really not alone in that. My advice is to push through, adapt quickly, and try to to stay positive, even when you haven't slept in 3 days and can't feel your hands any longer. It will get better. :)WHO'S A FELLOW ENTREPRENEUR YOU'RE CRUSHING ON RIGHT NOW : Woah, I don't think I can narrow it to just one (or even 5?!). Here's a very short list though:1) I'm kind of obsessed with the amazing cookie designs from Sogi's Honey Bakeshop, and I've only ever seen them on Instagram, but I swear that I will find a reason to order them someday soon.2) Ariele Alasko  does the most ah-mazing woodworking I've ever seen hands down. I have this dream of someday having her design an entire house for me. I mean, money's no object in dreams, right?!3) For flowers, my crushes are too numerous to list, but love Local Color Flowers in Baltimore, Love 'n Fresh Flowers in Philly, Floret Flower in Washington, and Saipua in New York. Also a huge fan of Debra Prinzing who advocates so well for the local flower movement. And, we recently launched a blog to bring together all the amazing people who are helping to advance the local flower movement - you can check it out at
Get to know Farmgirl Flowers // Site // Instagram