Creative Crush // Ink Meets Paper

When I started exploring the wonderful world of paper goods and walked NSS, I walked past Allison of Ink Meets Paper and her booth filled me with joy! I'm so glad that Emily Jeffords gave me a reason to reach out and say hello to her!Ink Meets Paper on Sugar and Type Ink Meets Paper on Sugar and Type Ink Meets Paper on Sugar and Type Ink Meets Paper on Sugar and TypePhotos above are from the talented Olivia Rae JamesInk Meets Paper on Sugar and TypeInk Meets Paper on Sugar and Type Ink Meets Paper on Sugar and Type Ink Meets Paper on Sugar and Type Ink Meets Paper on Sugar and Type Ink Meets Paper on Sugar and Type Ink Meets Paper on Sugar and Type Ink Meets Paper on Sugar and Type  Ink Meets Paper on Sugar and Type Ink Meets Paper on Sugar and Type Ink Meets Paper on Sugar and TypeWHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS : I love that my husband Daniel and I are able to run Ink Meets Paper together— that it fits both of our talents so well, and we really do enjoy working with one another. I also love how no two days are exactly the same. One day may be filled with long-term planning and goals for Ink Meets Paper and the next day may be spent all day in the studio printing. While it can be exhausting to keep up with everything, it’s never dull, and I always look forward to the next day. FAVORITE CANDY/TREAT : Sweeteeth chocolate (especially the “Sea is for Caramel”salted caramel chocolate bar)WHAT'S A RECENT FAVORITE FIND : Candlefish — a new shop in Charleston, SC (on Wentworth Street) that has the most wonderful and carefully curated selection of candles, including an entire library of scents as well as candle-making classes. Their careful attention to detail makes for such a remarkable retail experience. TELL US HOW YOU GOT STARTED WITH YOUR BIZ : In 2008, a neighborhood friend and I signed up for a printmaking class at a local art gallery/studio (Redux Contemporary Art Center). We did monoprints, etchings, screen printing, and so forth, but I really connected with letterpress printing. At the time I was an editor in a corporate job, so it was really refreshing to be so hands-on and part of the process. That same year we also bought our first (and still our currently only) press, a 1923 8x12 Chandler & Price floor-model platen press. It’s 1000+ pounds of cast iron and truly a workhouse machine. It’s motorized, but each of our cards is still hand fed into the press, and each piece is printed one color at a time.WHY DO YOU BLOG : We blog to share a bit more about the people and the story behind Ink Meets Paper, as well as current projects we’re working on.[Tweet "“Comparison is the thief of joy.” - Theodore Roosevelt"]ANY ADVICE FOR FELLOW ENTREPRENEURS :  I think this quote from Theodore Roosevelt sums it up nicely: “Comparison is the thief of joy.” With a constant barrage of amazing work and talent available via social media, blogs, etc., it’s easy to feel you’ll never measure up to others. But once you’re able to let that go, you realize the importance and meaning in following your own path and business goals (and realize that your timeline isn’t the same as someone else’s timeline).

Get to know Allison and Daniel!  Site / Instagram / Facebook / Twitter