Creative Crush // Knack Studios

I'm so excited to have Knack Studios here today! Emily Jeffords tagged Knack Studios as one of her many creative crushes and it's so great to share Barb's work with you!Knack Studios Knack Studios Knack Studios Knack Studios Knack StudiosWHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS : Running my own business is both the best thing in the world and the hardest thing in the world! Even though it is hard though, it is so very rewarding to see the fruit of your labor on a daily basis. My favorite thing about my business is being able to create without boundaries and the freedom of flexibility [Tweet "My favorite thing about my business is being able to create without boundaries and the freedom of flexibility."]FAVORITE CANDY/TREAT : I love dark chocolate in any form but especially dark chocolate covered pomegranite pieces.WHAT'S A RECENT FAVORITE FIND : My recent favorite find is the sexy boyfriend jeans from Gap! No lie. I'm so happy in them.TELL US HOW YOU GOT STARTED WITH YOUR BIZ : In 2001 I needed to paint my 70's kitchen cabinets due to budget and time and so I taught myself how to faux finish using latex paint and a tobacco glaze. Three weeks later when the cabinets were all finished I was hooked on the power of paint and elbow grease.WHY DO YOU BLOG : In all honestly my blogging is not what it used to be, but I am trying to get back to blogging at least three times a week. Blogging is a great communication tool and has been a great connector for me over the years. I have met some of the most amazing people through blogging and that is a really good thing!ANY ADVICE FOR FELLOW ENTREPRENEURS : Never stop learning. Always keep moving and creating. Work hard. Be generous. Stay humble.

WHO'S A FELLOW ENTREPRENEUR YOU'RE CRUSHING ON RIGHT NOW : My sister Sarah is so creative and I am always inspired by her photographs and hand lettered work.  Also, I love anything and everything by Annie Koelle.
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