Creative Crush // Lindsey McLaughlin

I'm so excited to have Lindsey McLaughlin here today! If you didn't see my feature last week on her blog, check it out! Lindsey's blog is so fun, and a great mix of so many wonderful things, be sure to add her to your daily reads!Lindsey M on Creative Crush Lindsey M on Creative Crush Lindsey M on Creative CrushWHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS : My favorite thing is actually running my business with my designer bestie, Jordan Blaser (you can link to her blog here) It's so fun to stay in touch with her and do the thing we both love, to design.FAVORITE CANDY/TREAT :  I have a lot of favorite treats, but my favorite treat right now would have to be white chocolate popcorn. Just pop a bag of popcorn, melt some white chocolate, and mix the two ingredients together for a yummy treat! Quick and easy.WHAT'S A RECENT FAVORITE FIND : These just-below-the-knee skirts from New York and Company. Favorite find this Spring!TELL US HOW YOU GOT STARTED WITH YOUR BUSINESS : When Jordan and I both graduated with a degree in graphic design, she moved to New York and I moved to Missouri. We always talked about having our own Etsy shop and dreamed of that day. The more we talked and figured out we were the right fit to do an Etsy shop together and we would take any criticism from each other we knew we had to make it happen. The next month we opened our little business Postmark Studios.WHY DO YOU BLOG : I blog so I can share with others my favorite things and of course document my life. It's also very therapeutic and rewarding to me.
ANY ADVICE FOR FELLOW ENTREPRENEURS : Network. Network. Network. I cannot tell you how important it is to make new connections with fellow designers and small business owners. This helps get the word out about your own business but also helps promote their business as well. My favorite way to market.WHO'S A FELLOW ENTREPRENEUR YOU'RE CRUSHING ON RIGHT NOW : This one is hard since there are so many I'm crushing on. I would have to say Amanda from A Hammer & Heels I am loving the home decor projects and inspiration she shares.

Get to know Lindsey // Twitter // Instagram  // Etsy // Site