Creative Crush // Mattie of Puddle Duck Paper Co

In 2013, I walked NSS for the first time. I felt like a very lost kid in a candy store. I was so happy when I stumbled upon the kind Mattie Tiegreen of Puddle Duck Paper Co.Puddle Duck Paper on Sugar and TypePuddle Duck Paper on Sugar and Type Puddle Duck Paper on Sugar and Type   Puddle Duck Paper on Sugar and Type Puddle Duck Paper on Sugar and Type

WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS : ​​I think my favorite thing is that it's all mine. I hear a lot of people say they love (or wish they had) the "freedom" that comes with being your own boss. I think that's some crazy myth. There is no freedom in running a business - if anything, it's more stressful and, with so much invested, terrifying. But, I love that it's mine. When there is a problem, I put my head down and figure out a solution. When there is a victory, I feel accomplished. Little milestones are meaningful successes. I'll take ownership over freedom any day.FAVORITE CANDY/TREAT : Ice Cream Sandwiches. And Nutella. And Girl Scout Cookies. Not all together, but that might be yummy, too.WHAT'S A RECENT FAVORITE FIND :  ​​I just discovered Slingshot Coffee. Oh, my!HOW DID YOU GET STARTED IN STATIONERY/DESIGN - AND HOW DO YOU BALANCE OFFERING BOTH PRINT AND WEB :I started out in my college dorm room making cards for friends and family. My original designs were very - um - scrapbook-y. Yikes! From there, I began creating my own designs and patterns and then launched a line of greetings, then a line of wedding paper as well as other paper gifts.

Last year, I began offering branding and web development services in addition to paper goods. I fell in love with the challenge of bringing someone else's business ideas to life while staying true to my own design style. I seriously get giddy when speaking to a new client. 

Over the past few months, I've drastically increased my branding and web clients and decreased my wedding orders. I am about to launch a new collection of wedding paper and will gear that side of the business toward the modern bride with clean, simple taste. I think being honest with myself about my style and how I want to convey it through my products has narrowed down my offerings, but I love that. I'd rather design for a select few brides whose taste I am a perfect match for than dozens over the course of the year that I'm not as passionate about.

WHY DO YOU BLOG : Funny you should ask! I really don't. I think I stopped because I felt pressured to post often and drumming up new content stressed me out. But, I recently decided to re-vamp the blog altogether and post only about things that truly make me happy. I'm letting go of expectations and forced writing in order to post content I believe in. I'll share work projects that I'm especially excited about, but also share parts of life that bring me joy (recipes, decor, inspiring women, good books and music, thoughts on business ownership, etc.). I'm excited!

ANY ADVICE FOR FELLOW ENTREPRENEURS : Be yourself! I feel like every creative block and struggle I've encountered comes back to being true to my style. I'm realistic about the fact that I didn't pioneer the greeting card or creative business logo. But, no one can do what I do - exactly how I do it - if I'm being myself.

WHO'S A FELLOW ENTREPRENEUR YOU'RE CRUSHING ON RIGHT NOW :  ​ ​Oh, gosh. Tons! Max Wanger, Britt Bass, Emily Jeffords, Brooke Baker & Luru Home.
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