Creative Crush // A Pair of Pears

I'm thrilled that Jamie is here today to share a bit about A Pair of Pears! Her and Jake are the talent and their dog Pixel is pretty adorable.A Pair of PearsA Pair of PearsA Pair of Pears A Pair of Pears A Pair of PearsA Pair of PearsA Pair of Pears

WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS : ​Hands down getting to work from home (or anywhere for that matter). As I write this I'm chilling on the couch with my pup. It's the best! But on top of that Jake and I get to work together on a lot of things. Jake still has a motion graphics job where he has to go into the office every day but evenings and weekends he is all mine! It's so nice that we each have different talents and strengths to bring to the table. It works best when we let each other do what we're best at. As I'm sure all designers know it can be hard to turn your brain off and put down the pencil or turn off the computer. So even though we do tend to work late into the night and throughout the weekends we make sure to make time for coffee shop breaks and plenty of Mario Kart. And of course Pixel needs the occasional walk around the neighborhood which is always welcomed.FAVORITE CANDY/TREAT : We just got out of a crazy heat wave in LA which is really making me in the mood for fall and all things pumpkin. So I'm going to say my Grandmother's pumpkin pie! Jake on the other hand hates all things pumpkin. He is more of a cheesecake kind of guy.WHAT'S A RECENT FAVORITE FIND :  ​Recently I found out that Amy Poehler is coming out with her first book! So of course I pre-ordered it. Obviously haven't read it yet, but I already know it's going to be a favorite. I mean how could it not be!?TELL US HOW YOU GOT STARTED WITH YOUR BUSINESS : Jake and I started our blog right after we got engaged because we were both far from home at college and we wanted a way to update our families on what we were up to. From there we kept posting more and more and eventually after we got married we started our paper shop on Etsy. It's gone through many stages and finally has progressed into what it is today, which we are so incredibly proud to share. We have lots of exciting plans and goals for the future.WHY DO YOU BLOG :  It has become a great place for us to share our work, inspiration, and even our day to day lives with family and friends and now lots of virtual friends. It's a fun industry to be in. There is a lot of awesome people I have "met" through blogging and being involved on social media like Instagram. It's weird but also pretty cool to think I'm friends with people I've never even met in person.
ANY ADVICE FOR FELLOW ENTREPRENEURS : ​Don't be afraid of letting your original ideas, goals, and dreams for your business change and progress. You might start out thinking you want one thing and then realize that maybe you want to go in a slightly different direction. Maybe something isn't working out how you thought it would and that's ok. Especially as young entrepreneurs we are learning and experimenting a lot as we go and there is nothing wrong with that.WHO'S A FELLOW ENTREPRENEUR YOU'RE CRUSHING ON RIGHT NOW :  ​ ​Alyssa Nassner! Her work is always so fun and colorful.
Get to know Jake and Jamie! Blog / Shop / Instagram / Facebook / Pinterest