December Inspiration and Coloring Page

It's the craziest month of the year!! December is always jam packed with delicious food, and time with family, for me - that's a lot to look forward to! Last month we traveled to visit family, and braved our first flight with a one year old! We survived!!

This month's quote "It doesn't matter how slowly you go, as long as you don't stop" is from Confucius. It's such a great reminder in this season of "go go go" that you can take your time when you need to. Do one thing everyday that will help you get to your goals, but don't let it overrun your mental health, your sanity, or the things that matter to you (spending time with friends and family this season). It's okay to take a day off without beating yourself up, make a game plan for how you're going to tackle your goals, and be prepared so that nothing can get in your way. If you haven't already, be sure to order your 2019 Rule The World planner so you're ready to tackle January when it sneaks up on you! 

This month's coloring page is yummy veggies, which we all could use a few more of when we're probably binging on delicious desserts on the regular.