Design Crush

I was SO excited I got the opportunity to meet with Patricia and Rachel of Primele, and Fawnsberg. Let me just say, these girls are amazing.I asked Patricia, calligrapher and illustrator, how she got started with the idea of stationery and a creative studio. After graduating from RISD and not loving her day job, their sister Kim had the idea to put tons of ideas in a bowl. At the end of the week they ran through all the ideas, and landed with Primele. Within just a couple weeks they were off a running - talk about living the dream. Their passion and enthusiasm is contagious, as well as their easy going attitude. Words cannot describe how much I appreciate these girls coming to meet me and being so open with their suggestions for my upcoming line. They gave great feedback and advice, and I left feeling totally inspired. This sister team definitely sticks to what they're good at, and they each have specific roles in the business.Some of the best advice I got that night was referencing a quote from Seth Godin, encouraging me to "make stuff for your tribe". Meaning I should make things that I like, and that other people will like it, trust your gut. They also preached to enjoy living, and don't wait! Stop planning and start doing! So off I go!!!!!The worst part - Rachel got stung by something during coffee! I felt terrible!