Creative Crush // Ciera Holzenthal

I'm SO excited today to be chatting with Ciera Holzenthal of Ciera Design. I've been following her work for a while, and was so excited to be able to pick her brain and share her work with you. Recognize that planner on her desk?Ciera Design at PJs Coffee by Hannah Colclazier 1Ciera-Design-Studio-Workspace-4Blisett Textile Brand 2 The Made In Mind Social Cards by Young Leadership Gala Invite Inside WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS : I love being able to help my community and other small businesses to succeed by using my design skills.

FAVORITE CANDY/TREAT : Oh my gosh, I am totally a chocolate lover! Whenever I get ice cream I just get plain chocolate and I love chocolate candy bars!
WHAT'S A RECENT FAVORITE FIND : So I really do not enjoy shopping, but I recently discovered Golden Tote, you pick two items and they surprise you with the rest! It has been a great way to step out of my clothing comfort zone!
YOU BLOG A LOT ABOUT THE LOCAL FAVOR IN NEW ORLEANS, WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT LIVING THERE AND OWNING A BUSINESS THERE : It’s hard to explain, but New Orleans just has something special. Every inch of this city has something beautiful in it’s own unique way. And It's actually an amazing time to be an entrepreneur in New Orleans. We all route for the little guys and the mom and pop shops here! It's big enough to have a steady flow of work but small enough to make meaningful, long lasting relationships and gain clients through word of mouth and a good reputation.
WHY DO YOU BLOG : I design because I love it. I blog because I love it. Blogging inspires me to take more photographs and to document my life. I have also been blown away by the community around blogging. I love connecting with new people all over the world that I wouldn’t be able to otherwise. I truly enjoy what I do and feel extremely lucky everyday.
ANY ADVICE FOR FELLOW ENTREPRENEURS : Surround yourself (either online or in real life) with people that you can learn from and help you to push your boundaries. I would not be where I am today if I would have gone straight to freelancing from college. I needed those relationships and experiences that I gained at an agency to grow!
WHO'S A FELLOW ENTREPRENEUR YOU'RE CRUSHING ON RIGHT NOW : This is hard since I keep up with so many awesome ladies but I think I'm most impressed with Allison Lehman right now. She has so much cool stuff going on and all of it is top notch! She writes and awesome blog and is a super talented designer and photographer, she basically does it all!
Get to know Ciera // Blog // Twitter // Facebook // Pinterest // Instagram // Etsy