Half Assed

Half Ass by Sugar and TypeGregg and I flew threw the whole series of Parks and Recreation (if you haven't watched it, you absolutely need to) and loved every moment. I've been telling myself I'd explore hand lettering more, and I finally sat my butt down and did it. The above quote from Ron Swanson represents how I've been feeling lately. I feel like as a designer, there are a lot of paths we can take - editorial, print, web, production, UI, etc etc. As a freelancer, I get to explore a little of everything, and it's always fun and challenging. I often feel a pull between the two and want to make sure I'm always putting my best work out, and not spreading myself too thin. I think it's importantly to feel confident about which path you take, and you can still explore those other areas as you please! I'm trying to really focus on the things that make me happy and the projects that fuel me, and put my everything into those. If you're feeling this way, I'd love to hear how you're making a change!

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