Health & Wealth: Whole30 Week 2

Last week I started the "Whole30" challenge. (Read about it here). It's been just over a week and I feel great!eatgoodfoodI think the best thing is that I don't feel guilty about anything I've put in my mouth. Even those things that might not have been "whole30 approved". I figure, realizing there was "sugar" as an ingredient in my tomato sauce (for my healthy meal), is NOT the end of the world. If that's the worst I'm doing - I'd say I'm doing pretty good! It's definitely changed the way I look at food, the kitchen, and my eating habits. My friends and family have been so supportive. I try to be prepared though, I even "BYOSP" brought my own sweet potatoe to Sunday Night Dinner since  I knew there wouldn't be one there.My goals for this week are to make sure I'm paying attention to my portions, and making sure my meals are balanced.Have any great paleo recipes? Share them with me on facebook!Picture & Recipes found here.