Life // Okemo, VT

Every year, my parents spend a week in beautiful Vermont at their favorite Ski Resort, Okemo. I feel so lucky that my sister and I are invited every year, along with our friends or significant others, to enjoy the beautiful view with them. IMG_2036  IMG_2042   IMG_2051 IMG_2047 IMG_2043    IMG_2119The mountains close at 4:00 p.m., so it was nice to spend the nights exploring the town, and stuffing our faces. We found some incredible ski shops, and got really great deals on gear for next year.(Above Photos from Andy Osburn, can you believe the view?!)I loved this repurposed Skateboard wall, so much fun!DSC_2243It was nice to have a winter vacation, even though it was terribly cold, we layered up, and enjoyed lots of hot drinks. If you're on the East Coast, or anywhere near Rochester, NY, you're probably sharing the "alright winter, let's get this over with" feeling that's going around. We did have a really great unexpected "spring" day a couple days ago, which of course, was followed by a huge blizzard, Vulcan. Come on Spring, we're ready for you!LEAVE A REPLY