Meet Type Takeover

I'm so excited for this big announcement!!! Bedsidesign and I are teaming up to bring you - Type Takeover! She's really great, and I'm so glad to be collaborating with her! Stay tuned every friday for more about type, and for now - let's get to know the amazing girl behind the blog!

What’s your favorite thing to do in your city (or about your city)?

I love living in a post-industrial city. Syracuse has character. Whether it is the booming Armory Square [downtown area], or the Inner Harbor <—yes, Syracuse isn’t completely landlocked, I see beauty written all over this city. I’m extremely passionate about painting the gorgeous picture of Syracuse and that’s why I love featuring the people and places that make this the city that I fell in love with.

Why do you blog?I feel compelled to communicate and create. I’ve literally never been so happy and I love sharing with all of you. Blogging at bedsidesign brings me so much joy, and my readers, aka: bedsidesigners have a lot to do with that!
Can you share a recent favorite read or find?Listening to stories in the car: Like NPR. I’m obsessed with stories and storytelling so I get super intrigued listening to while driving.
What is an interest, or something you’re passionate about (this could be a cause that you support)?I’m really into promoting community. Whether it is local, blogging, or other forms I find that community is key to happiness. Being surrounded and supported by others who care about you - and being able to care for others needs. It’s one of the reasons I moved to Syracuse.
What is on your bedside table?

An IKEA lamp, Blog, Inc., a Smock chevron box to hold all my hairties + random pieces of jewelry, and a candle. Gotta keep it romantic.

What's your favorite Sugar, and do you have a favorite Typeface?

Dark chocolate (do you mean like sweets?), and I’m definitely partial to lavanderia right now, I use it on bedsidesign

What are five things you couldn’t live without?

The husband, heat [I’m a baby when I’m cold], coffee, sight, & music.


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