Mind Your Business Launch Party

Last weekend I threw a launch party to celebrate my book Mind Your Business! Of course, that whole weekend was a blizzard, the grocery store shelves were completely empty (no joke) and the roads were tough. Granted, we're familiar with snow, so most people have a car that can handle the roads, a shovel, and salt, but it's a lot easier to stay inside, with some hot cocoa when it's a snow day. I found a perfect venue for the event, send out invitations, promoted it on the news earlier in the week, and had been posting about my party on social media for weeks. It's a big deal, and I was excited to celebrate, and I had a LOT of chocoalte I didn't want to go to waste! When Sunday rolled around, I didn't want to cancel, so I figured, if no one turned up, at least I had a good reason why!I was so touched when people started showing up, two friends even came in FULL SNOW GEAR because they WALKED (trekked may be a better term) to get to the event. I felt beyond loved, and was so excited to see everyone's reaction to the book.           A huge thank you to Living Roots and Chuao Chocolatier for helping me put together an amazing event! To all my friends who baked, and showed up for me - it meant the world to me, and I can't believe I didn't take more pictures!