How to Grow Your Creative Passion into a Full Time Job

Online Workshop and Masterclass for Creative EntrepreneursI got an email from a peer about five years saying she was going to pursue and grow her creative passion, but wasn't sure how to make it "legit". I sort of laughed at the question, because I knew what she meant, but also it sounds so silly. What defines "legit". Ultimately, she wanted to make sure she filed the correct paperwork to make sure she was doing business legally, and professionally, but it goes so much deeper than that. This feeling of legitimacy and success are vague, and we can make our own definitions of them, but we seem (I know I'm not alone here) to have a hard time doing so. Over the next few months we talked about what steps she needed to take to make her business both legally sound, and also "legit" enough for her ego. I'm happy to say she's kicking butt, and has even opened several new ventures along the way!Grow your Creative Passion into a Full Time Job with the Mind Your Business Online WorkshopThe business side definitely doesn't come easy to most creative entrepreneurs. The thought of doing taxes alone could make you want to pull your hair out and give up, so I saw a need for a tool that people could use to help make the hair-pulling work make a little more sense, and be a lot more fun! I realized that The left side (thanks mom!) helped me with my creative passion, and the right side (thanks dad!) helped me stay organized, do the research, and pick up business skills without any formal training in it. This was a gift, and I'm so glad that I get to share what I learned with the world through my book, Mind Your Business.Over the past two months, I've been blown away by the response with the book launch - which is currently in over 35 indie Stories, major chains like Barnes and Noble, Chapters Indigo, Amazon, and Joann Fabrics. Pinch me! But honestly, if I was buying this book, I'd have a hard time actually writing in it - it's pretty (of course) and it feels so permanent to write down my two years goals, or five year goals in PEN on something so beautiful that I want to keep it forever. To overcome this, I figured I'd do some hand-holding through "Mind Your Business Workshops". I've got the first two under my belt, and I'm so excited to be teaching the next one next week ONLINE! Doing the class online is allowing me the opportunity to reach people in other cities, states, an even countries! Hello to my attendees from Paris, California, Arizona and beyond! It also allows people the comfort of staying in their pajamas, which is basically what life is all about.Incase you're still wondering if this workshop is for you, here's a little info about it.

  • The workshop is UNDER $50! Need I say more? I want this information to be available to anyone who wants it, so I priced it where I feel valued, but that someone even just starting their business would be able to invest in. While you don't need a copy of the book to come to class, I'd recommend it - plus, amazon has it on sale for under $15.
  • There's a Live Q&A - While you don't need to attend live, I encourage it for this alone. The Q&A is your chance to ask me anything specific to YOUR business, your growth, your struggles.
  • Access to a private MYB Facebook group - a great place to ask questions about the book, about your business, and connect with other women. The goal of keeping this group private and small is so that it doesn't add NOISE to your daily social media experience. Instead, it'll be there as a resource when you need it.
  • It's small, and mighty. I'm keeping the workshop small - I mean... tiny! Because I want to actually get to know you, and allow you all to ask questions without the workshop taking 4 hours of your time listening to someone else's business questions.
  • I'm not pitching ANYTHING. This is the pitch. I'm not trying to sell you on some $400 course, some bigger plan, or some other product you MUST HAVE to get your business thriving. Literally, this course is about how to get clients, keep clients, tangible advice on kicking ass, and making money.

Got more questions? Just email me, send me a DM, or comment here and I'll be sure to answer them! I know you're amazing at your craft (whatever that may be) and I can't wait to hear more about it, and watch you thrive!

Sign up for the workshop here, see you in class!