Negotiations and Being Kind

Handlettering by Ilana GriffoA while back, a friend recommended I listen to this podcast episode, it talks about negotiations and being nice. I was probably complaining about needing to raise my prices, and the episode was really helpful! Tim Ferris (the host) wrote the book, The 4-Hour Workweek, which I read a few years ago. To be honest, I loved some parts of the book, and felt some were too extreme. I don't see a future where my business succeeds and I don't work more than four hours, and I also LOVE my job, I think (right now) I'd go crazy if I wasn't involved in every project, and was delegating everything. However, I loved the concept, and took what I could from the book. On the episode, his guest, Ramit Satir, author of I Will Teach You To Be Rich(which I haven't read yet, but absolutely should), educated the audience in negotiations as a creative. I took away one big thing: Be nice! Do your research! Negotiations can be scary - asking for a raise, sending an estimate, and negotiating your cable bill can feel intimidating. Remember that you have nothing to lose if you're kind! I recently called to talk about my internet bill, and luckily, I had some help. First, I called, and didn't get anywhere. Then, I sat down with Gregg and we called again while he was on speaker phone and I listened to his approach. Gregg was firm, to the point, and also kind. We got an upgrade, and it is now costing us LESS than before, and we're getting much better service.Earlier this summer, at Becoming Boss 3 (by Roc Girl Gang), one of the panelists Jenny of Flowerwell (who is such a sweetheart, and so talented), had mentioned the same thing, and it reminded me of the podcast episode. One of the main pillars of her business is kindness. Kindness has served her more times than she can count. It's amazing what happens when you're kind! As simple as it may be, sometimes we need a reminder that being kind goes a long way.How can you be kind this week, to yourself, and to those around you?