Parenting Packing List & A Giveaway

Packing Printable for Parents with a NewbornI'm so excited to post this packing list printable for parents! The first time we traveled with our little man, I felt so much anxiety that I was going to forget something, so naturally, I made a list, and then designed it, because why not?! While you can get diapers and clothes, and most of the necessities anywhere, it's nice to have some of those comforts from home with you when you're traveling with a new baby... it's unpredictable!So far, we've done a few road trips, all under 10 hours, and a camping trip with no electricity! We survived! I actually loved every minute of it (until the torrential downpour) and I can proudly report that our tiny human did really well. We haven't taken a flight yet, but I'm sure you've already received plenty of unsolicited advice if you're reading this.My biggest takeaway? Be prepared to leave, change and accommodate. I'm a firm believer of doing things and bringing a baby along, but if your baby is uncomfortable, or screaming at the top of his lungs at a restaurant, you have to do what's best for your family - and that might mean leaving a restaurant early, bringing dinner in, or finding a more relaxing environment. Our first trip we ended up in a restaurant with a fussy baby, and we took turns walking around, and entertaining him. Luckily, we had booked an early reservation to avoid bed-time crazies. Another night at a louder restaurant, we had no shame about our volume, because literally you couldn't even hear the person next to you! Now, 8 months in, we know him a little better, and what times and environments work best for our family.The best part about driving, is that we can fit all those extra things we're not sure if we'll need, and the more we travel, the more comfortable it becomes for everyone (except when I'm squished in between a dog, a car seat, and a thousand bags and bike parts).Here are a few of the items I never want to travel without.

  1. Our Guava Lotus Travel Crib - it's so lightweight and packs away easily!
  2. Sakura Bloom Scout - beautiful, comfortable, convenient. They're offering a $50 gift card to one reader, head over to Instagram to learn more!
  3. Skiphop Portable Changing Pad - so easy, this is ALWAYS in our bag!

Whether or not you keep a capsule wardrobe (like me!) you'll find this packing list covers the basics, and you can add or subtract as needed! I always find it super helpful to actually print out a list instead of keeping it only on my phone. Not only does crossing it off feel great, but then I can add notes, and do a quick second check before leaving the house. This is best suited for babies under 1 year old, and I'll do my best to make a new one as he grows! You can find a running list of my favorite baby products here, and this post has a round up of everything I loved the first six months as a minimal-ish mama!  

Download the printable, and enjoy your vacation!