Rule The World with Danielle Sara | Pursuing Your Passion While Working Full Time

I'm so excited to kick off this monthly Rule The World Planner series featuring some seriously talented women! This month, I may be a bit bias, as the featured artist is (drumroll please!) my sister, Danielle Sara!Danielle makes incredible glass and ceramic pieces that truly make drinking water so much more special. She manages to do craft shows, produce art, and stay inspired all while still working full time as a high school art teacher. I love her dedication to her craft, and how no matter what idea she has - she'll find a way to make it work! She truly makes the time for her craft, and schedules it in like an appointment - even with plenty of other jobs keeping her busy!Danielle's been a huge inspiration from me, since growing up I copied everything she did, eventually finding my own voice. She's one of my biggest cheerleaders, and I'm one of hers, so having her artwork included as the first coloring page is so special! I can't wait to introduce you to her, and see how you color in her beautiful drawing!What does a typical day looks like for you? I am a full time high school art teacher, glassblowing studio coordinator/teacher and maker, so a typical day is working at school followed by making art and spending time with my hubby and dog.Why did you create this pattern? For me the mountains mean clarity and energy from nature’s beauty.  They are a meditative space that is cleansing and fulfilling. We all need positive energy in our lives!What’s your favorite productivity tip? Use your planner! Duh!  With 3 jobs and a life (sort of) I need to know when I need to be where and what needs to get done. My planner goes EVERYWHERE with me. Plus crossing out the tasks you finish on paper is so much more fulfilling than doing it digitally.  Not to mention going back and looking at all the things you did that week or month, it can make you feel so productive!The important stuff - what’s your favorite dessert? Frozen yogurt- preferably soft serve but lets be real, I will eat it all!Current Netflix binge: Is and always will be “The Office” and “Parks and Rec”.Brunch or happy hour? Brunch everydayWhat are you currently working on? My current focus is on full table settings made with glass and ceramics, tying together my 2 loves.Favorite activity for January: January is the best month because you can downhill ski, or cross country ski, or snowshoe, make snow angels, snowmen, hike in the snow, and drink hot chocolate and chai lattes.  I am pretty enthusiastic about the snow and give me all the winter clothing please!

You can visit Danielle's shop, or see more of her work on Instagram!