Wed Wednesday: Kate and Brian

KateHow did you get Engaged?
I had just gotten home from college for the summer, and Brian was taking his last college exam. I had been bugging him for months to get me a T-Shirt from his school's bookstore, so when he was on his way home he called and told me that he got me two so that I could pick which one I liked better. When he got to my house, we sat down and he told me to close my eyes. When I opened them he was wearing a shirt that said "Will you marry me?" on it and had made a shirt that said "yes" and another that said "no." I of course chose the one that said "yes!"
Where did you get married & when?
 We got married in August 2011 in Charlottesville, Virginia at the university that I attended.  We have a ton of great memories there, so it was really special to use to get married there.
What was the best part about planning a wedding?
I really enjoyed a lot of the wedding planning, but I remember how exciting it was when I started receiving RSVP cards in the mail. That's when it felt like it was finally happening!
What was your favorite part of your wedding?
My favorite part was walking down the aisle with my dad. It was just this surreal moment where you see all these people you love from all these different parts of your life, all wishing you the best as you walk towards your soul mate. I know it sounds sappy, but it really did feel like a movie!
Advice for brides in the planning stages?
Try to enjoy it!  I know everyone says it, but the planning and the day of just go by so fast- soak it up!  And make sure you rely on those around you who are willing to help and then let them know how much you appreciate it.
**All images by JMK Photos