Wed Wednesday: Lindsey and Sean (& Stryker)

LindseyHow did you get Engaged?My husband, Sean proposed to me during our 3rd year of dating. We had started a new tradition hosting Easter at our home in Rochester for our families. His family is from Matawan, NJ and my family lives in Rochester, NY, so it is always difficult to get both families together at the same time. On our 2nd year of hosting everything was coming together perfectly. Everyone arrived on time and the food smelled unbelievable.As we sat down to eat, the gentleman my husband is, stood up and began toasting to our family. He talked about the wonderful tradition we have started and how it is so wonderful to have everyone here. Then he all of a sudden turned the toast into talking about ME! I hate attention put on me and kept thinking, okay we don’t need to mention me at all right now! At that same moment he began to get emotional, I began to think this is no longer an Easter brunch toast. As I glanced around the breakfast table everyone else seemed to realize the same thing. I later found out that only my parents (which he asked their permission from) and his father were the only people to know he was going to propose to me.He then asked the question we (as in all of us girls) dream about, “Will you marry me?” I was so excited at that moment and as cliché as it sounds, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Everyone couldn’t have been happier for us! I will never forget the day Sean proposed and the moment I said yes.Where did you get married & when?Rochester, NY at St. Mary’s Church on October 6,2012What was the best part about planning a wedding?I loved the different things Sean and I had to do together (picking our cake, location, music, etc.). It really was the first time we had to start making big decisions together and for me it was just another way for us to get closer and learn more about one another.What was your favorite part of your wedding?The DANCING! I couldn’t wait to get to the reception and get out on the dance floor. The entire day is all planned out and everything is on a schedule. The reception, after all of the bouquet tosses and cake cutting is done is really up to you to make it what you want it to be. You can choose to talk to everyone and hang out by the bar OR you can do what I chose to do and dance the entire night away with your best friends and family!Advice for brides in the planning stages?Truly enjoy every moment. We chose to have a 1 1/2 year engagement and I loved the amount of time we had to get everything we wanted in order. You will have moments you are overwhelmed with the planning and you will have moments where you really love seeing everything come together.Your wedding day goes by SO fast. Make a list of all of the photo shots you want to get with friends, family and anyone else on your day. I cannot say how important those photos will be one day and I highly recommend getting a video of your wedding day. You will only be able to look back on your day through videos and photos (get a lot!).If you can, take a day off in between your wedding day and the day you leave for your honeymoon. It’s a perfect time to see family and friends before they leave to go home and time for you to finish packing. We took 10 days in Maui for the honeymoon and I would highly recommend that if you can do it.Good Luck to all future brides and have the best day of your life!