Welcome to the Team: Alex

Guys! I'm SO excited today to welcome Alex to the team! She's amazing and we're kind of obsessed with her! IMG_1419I'm Alex. For as long as I can remember, I've loved to write. When I was in second grade, I wrote a report on sea turtles; it must have been my favorite assignment of my elementary school career, because it's the only one I remember.

I also love dogs. Specifically, I love my service dog, a 3 1/2 year old Lab Golden Retriever cross. She's my extra pair of hands and legs, and so stinking cute. Check her out at www.helponfourlegs.wordpress.com.
Bryan's my husband, and we both have really nerdy day jobs. Outside of work, we ride bikes, play with Bright, and get hooked on one crime thriller series after the next.
I'm excited to be joining Ilana and introducing writing services at Sugar and Type. With our powers combined, we'll bring you the witty, snarky stationery, beautifully designed websites with articulately written copy, and custom wedding suites that show off your personality. Can't wait to meet you!