Wise Words: Busy Body

WORKLately, I've been feeling really overwhelmed by the amount of work I've taken on. I get so excited when I talk with a new client, that I have a really hard time saying "I don't think I'm right for this project" or "I'm booked until next month" or whatever other reasons I know I shouldn't start the project. Getting new work is exciting, and insures me that I've made the right decision by taking this route in my career path. I've literally been up to my eyebrows in work, and I finally (recently) let myself "no". (More like forced myself after interventions from family and friends). It was actually really liberating.This DOES NOT mean I'm not taking on new work, it means that I'm able to look at my schedule and say "this sounds like a great project, I think I can do this in x amount of time, and it will fit in my schedule week "x". I'm planning ahead, and I'm listening to what my body needs (which is a little more sleep & time for ME!). I'm super excited to have a couple new ladies helping me out with Sugar and Type (more on that later), which makes the work load a lot more enjoyable.Yes there are moments when I think "when will the next project come?", "am I missing out by not taking this project on?" But ultimately, I have to do what's best for everyone involved. If I'm not 100% available and ready to be dedicated to a project - then I shouldn't take it on. I should only take on projects that I can give my heart and soul to!  Not every project is a perfect fit - and if it's not - hopefully I can lead that client in the right direction - I do happen to know some amazing people in the field!Today marks the start of my Whole30 challenge - so stay tuned for tons of food and fitness related posts! Have a great short week, and a wonderful, exciting, and relaxing LONG weekend!