Rule The World with Christy from House of Roushey | Buffering Deadlines


What does a typical day looks like for you? I wish that I could say that I was a morning person that gets up early and takes charge of the day, but typically my kids are my alarm clock. Our day starts with getting my kiddos “Goosie” (age 9) and “Buddy” (age 6) ready for school, which carves out time for me to get work done. My work time ranges from shopping trips for materials, executing custom client orders or working on the behind the scenes business tasks. Basically whatever I can check off my list while my kids are at school!

Why did you create this pattern? I have always loved flowers – roses, hydrangeas, ranunculus and peonies are probably among my favorites. If I had my way, I would have fresh flowers in my home at all times. It wasn’t until recently that I became more aware of the meanings that flowers hold. Many years ago, it was common to use bouquets to send messages to the recipient. Each floral component served its purpose to convey that message. Isn’t that so true for each one of us?! They serve as a reminder to me that significance is more than what our eyes can see.

What’s your favorite productivity tip?I am a list maker to the core! I have been known to add a completed task to a list, just to see it crossed off. But I realize that lists are just a portion of the productivity puzzle. I find that putting deadlines (with some buffer time, because life happens) helps me to get things crossed off the list.

The important stuff - what’s your favorite dessert? My current obsession isFrench Macarons, but chocolate ice cream with LOTS of chocolate sprinkles will always be my favorite.


Current Netflix binge: Right now I am catching up on the newest seasons of Queer Eye and Schitt's Creek, but my favorite show is the Great British Baking Show 

Brunch or happy hour: Brunch for sure!Happy hour requires me to be out of my leggings and let’s be honest, I’m probably drinking coffee rather than a cocktail at that point in the day.

What are you currently working on (something we can promote)! Right now I am gearing up for the fall season of shows, but I am always working on new projects. My favorite client projects are tattoo designs and custom client logos! I love to help create meaningful designs utilizing floral elements, whether it is a child's birth month, an anniversary or simply the meaning behind a flower. Want to rock a symbolic representation of joy? Let me create a design with the magnolia blossom as the focal element.

Love Christy's work as much as I do? You can download a free coloring page featuring here work here!

You can visit Christy's shop, or see more of her work on Instagram!

Let's make next year our best year yet, and grab yourself the 2020 Rule The World Planner! If you're ahead of the game, be sure to sign up to receive a special freebie for ordering!