Rule The World with Jayme Hennel | Journaling and Planning for Success


What does a typical day looks like for you? I don't think a typical day exists in my world. I have a lot of things going on and every day presents its own demands. From our pets, to my foster kittens, home and business.. life is hectic. I can tell you how each day starts though. First things first.. COFFEE. Always. 

What’s your favorite productivity tip?  The best productivity tip that has worked for me is making my to do list for the week at the end of Friday the week before. That way I can go into my week ready and having a plan of attack. 

The important stuff - what’s your favorite dessert? Current favorite - homemade chocolate chip cookies. We make them vegan at home with Earth Balance butter and Enjoy Life dairy-free chocolate chips.. and they are DELICIOUS!

Current Netflix binge: I'm always rewatching Grey's Anatomy. Just can't get enough. Also currently loving Jessica Jones, Glow and Godless.

Brunch or happy hour:  So difficult to choose, but I have to go with brunch. Mimosas are a must! Best of both worlds right there :)


What are you currently working on? I’m currently working on a fun new line of pet products (eeek!) as well as all new designs for 2020 including necklaces, tote bags and wall art. 2019 was a tough year for me, personally and professionally. From health issues, infertility, loss, and grief to extreme creative burnout, I’ve been giving myself a lot of rest and time to recover. Now that we’re in Q4 I am finally feeling myself come back to life (thank goodness) and am starting to get back on track. Journaling and planning out my goals for the year to come is helping me get motivated for all of the good things that lie ahead.

Love Jayme's work as much as I do? You can download a free coloring page featuring here work here!

You can visit Jayme's shop, or see more of her work on Instagram

Let's make next year our best year yet, and grab yourself the 2020 Rule The World Planner! If you're ahead of the game, be sure to sign up to receive a special freebie for ordering!