Rule The World with Nadia Hassan | Saving Pre-Productivity Rituals


What does a typical day look like for you? Coffee is about the only consistent detail from one day to the next. I’m a freelance designer with expertise in two pretty different areas – the precise and orderly realm of UI/UX design, and the whimsical, trend-driven world of illustration/surface pattern design. On any given day I may be working on a website layout, illustrations for licensing, logos, wedding invitations, trend research, developing a new print collection for a client or my Spoonflower shop, trying out new techniques, perfecting old ones, or brushing up on industry best practices. Things can get chaotic at times, but I really enjoy the variety of projects I get to work on, and the flexibility to structure my day in the way that works best for me. 

Why did you create this pattern? My beauty routine is pretty low-key overall, but getting a manicure is one of my favorite ways to treat myself after completing a big project or hitting some other important milestone. It’s not easy for a color-enthusiast like me to choose a nail polish – I want them all, and with this pattern, I can make that happen!

What’s your favorite productivity tip?Establish a pre-productivity ritual for yourself, easing into work with a little bit of play – savor a warm beverage, burn a scented candle, write out a favorite quote or your mantra for the day, hold your favorite yoga pose, pretend to be Beyoncé for the length of a song – anything goes. It may seem obvious, but make your ritual a pleasant one, not something that feels like a chore or a punishment - you’ll be more likely to stick with it, which will make it a more effective cue for your mind and body to shift gears.

The important stuff - what’s your favorite dessert? Tiramisu is my go-to, but my sweet tooth will happily accommodate just about any kind of desert.

Current Netflix binge: I finally decided to watch Portlandia, a mere eight years after it first appeared on the scene.

Brunch or happy hour: Brunch.

What are you currently working on:  In addition to my usual mix of freelance and licensing work, I'm wrapping up my fourth year of Inktober, and getting ready to put those drawings into the fourth edition of my Self-Storage zine. For the past several years I've made an effort to prioritize personal projects, even though it sometimes feels really indulgent and perhaps even a little irresponsible. I have to remind myself that creating a sustainable, balanced workflow with room for work and play is not a luxury, it's a necessity for continued future success/avoiding burnout. It may take a while, but my personal projects often lead to all kinds of unforeseen growth and a fresh perspective, so the investment is well worth it.

 Love Nadia's work as much as I do? You can download a free coloring page featuring her work here!

You can visit Nadia's site, or see more of her work on Instagram!

Let's make next year our best year yet, and grab yourself the 2020 Rule The World Planner! If you're ahead of the game, be sure to sign up to receive a special freebie for ordering!