Rule The World With Kimmy Alsheimer | Outer Order Inner Calm

What does a typical day looks like for you? Depends on the day! Half of the week I work as a graphic designer for a local non profit and the other half I work at home for Drift. Weekends are for house renovations, church and friends. But every day starts with a hot breakfast and I try to spend some quiet time reading my devotional/Bible. The days I go to the non profit, it usually consists of me running late with wet unbrushed hair and no makeup. Somehow I always think I have more time than I actually do! Lunch breaks are spent either walking with a friend, running to the post office or painting a doormat. Depending on the day, after work I’ll go to a workout class or a church meeting then make dinner for Ryan (the husband). I typically end the night painting doormats, folding clothes or doing the dishes while watching TV. My days spent working at home are literally just me painting doormats all day and packaging up orders while listening to podcasts. True crime, interior design or theology podcasts are my fave. Sometimes I have time to create new products but that’s rare these days. I try to sneak in a shower right before Ryan gets home from his job so I don’t feel and look like a bum. Doesn’t always happen.

Why did you create this quote for the planner? C.S. Lewis is the man. Also I needed and still need to hear this reminder a lot myself.

What’s your favorite productivity tip? Outer order produces inner calm. Sometimes I don’t feel like a true artist when I say that I don’t love messes or clutter but I have come to being okay with the fact that I am a ‘Type A’ person who finds that cleaning and having a neat and orderly space to live and work in is therapeutic. Monica Geller is my spirit animal through and through. I do my very best to have the house all clean the night before I work from home for the next two days so I can focus just on my business and not on the house as soon as I wake up.

The important stuff - what’s your favorite dessert? Before I was pregnant I would have said dark chocolate anything, hands down! But lately I’ve been wanting more fruity and citrusy desserts. I’m also obsessed with anything ‘a la mode’. I love the cold and hot contrast. Brownie sundaes are an all time fave.

Current Netflix binge:

Friends. Again. For the bajillionth time. It’s my go to fall show because it’s the perfect thing for me to watch while I paint doormats hours on end during the crazy holiday season! I don’t actually have to “watch” it and can just listen since I have seen it so many times! But I also love anything HGTV or Food Network as well!

Brunch or happy hour: Brunch! I literally could eat eggs for every meal and often have breakfast for dinner!

What are you currently working on? As you probably have noticed by now lettering on doormats has pretty much taken over my life currently. But there are lots of new projects in my head that I hope to have time to execute someday soon! Stay tuned! November is my craziest month of all so I don’t spend time doing many activities besides filling Drift orders. I also typically have a vendor fair almost every weekend. But I guess one of my favorite times in the whole year is the very end of November because usually my vendor fairs are over with by then and I spend that time decorating my house for Christmas. And now that Halloween is over, Christmas music will be on repeat! It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

You can visit Kimmy's site, or see more of her work on Instagram!

Let's make next year our best year yet, and grab yourself the 2020 Rule The World Planner! If you're ahead of the game, be sure to sign up to receive a special freebie for ordering!