Rule The World with Caroline Corrigan | Apps and Breaks for Productivity


What does a typical day look like for you? Our 2 year old son, Graham, wakes up at the crack of dawn, so we're up when he wakes around 6am. I usually take him downstairs, make coffee and play with him for a little while. Then we all have breakfast together and get ready. Two days per week, I walk my son to a small daycare around the corner from our house. After that I usually tidy the house a bit and walk my dog - both activities clear my mind and are so crucial to my productivity. Then I check my email, and dive into whatever project I have going on. At the end of the day I usually just like to spend some time with our family, cook, eat together and relax. Like so many freelancers, though, I will often have to work at night, too. I kind of enjoy this time, though, as it can be nice to work when the rest of the world isn't as active on email. I love putting on a podcast or a good album and crank through some projects in the evening. It makes the following day a bit less hectic, too. Balancing motherhood and freelancing is full of challenges, but I am so glad that I get to be home with my son and still maintain my creative work, even if things have slowed a little bit.

Why did you create this pattern? It's fall right now in Upstate New York, so we try to spend as much time as possible outdoors before the long winter sets in. I love looking at different kinds of plants and trees on walks with my family and our dog. This really sweet daily activity is so fun for our son, who loves pointing things out as we tell him what we're looking at. I'm trying to get better at learning the names of leaves, too. There's something about drawing plants that's very fluid and soothing. With organic shapes, you don't need to fuss quite as much as you do with drawing people or specific objects, and I think there is room to make up your own types of plant-life, too.

What’s your favorite productivity tip?

I use


with the


desktop app. It times my work which is great for clients who get billed hourly, but also just is an on-screen reminder to stay on task, reminds me to take breaks, and helps me visually organize my multiple to-do lists. I also try to stay off Instagram during the work day unless I am trying to post something work related. It's so easy to get sucked in!

The important stuff - what’s your favorite dessert? Italian rainbow cookies. It's all about nostalgia for me but I really love anything with almond paste.

Current Netflix binge:

Schitt’s Creek! I cannot get enough and am absolutely obsessed with the ridiculous Moira Rose and her wigs.

Brunch or happy hour: Brunch.

What are you currently working on: I just finished illustrating a children's book about women artists written by my friend Melanie LaBarge. You can preorder it here! I’m also making some illustrations for a woman owned wine company in Sonoma, CA, branding a hair salon where I live in Albany, and illustrated labels for a natural cider company and apple farm in Upstate NY. I’m hoping to make some cards or calendars available for the holidays, too! 

Love Caroline's work as much as I do? You can download a free coloring page featuring her work here!

You can visit Caroline's site, or see more of her work on Instagram!

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