Rule The World with Jeanetta Gonzales | Multitasking Isn't Productive


What does a typical day look like for you? I always start my day with breakfast and journaling. I also read something motivational in the morning and try to do this all before picking up my phone. I know as soon as the phone is in my hand it’s on - my brain kicks into work mode. I try to have some quiet time and ease into work. I find I am more grounded and mentally calm before I open my email. My work schedule is a bit different depending on deadlines and priorities. I do client work or hop on a coaching call. I also do other things like post to social media, write a blog post or newsletter, work on art projects or admin work. I make it to the gym at some point every other day. I make this a must (though sometimes I fall off or can’t make it). After work I work out if I haven’t gone earlier in the day (on workout day) and then have dinner with my boyfriend, who also works from home. I sometimes work a bit more after dinner if necessary. If not, I may make some art, read, or catch up on some tv before bed.

Why did you create this pattern? I have a love of drawing plants, flowers and birds. It was a natural reflex to create a tropical scene and I thought it may be a fun addition to the planner!

What’s your favorite productivity tip?

No distractions! I find that as long as my phone is near or anything is around me that could distract me from getting my work done I have to move it out of sight. I also realized I can’t do work I need to concentrate on if I am listening to a Podcast (I love a good podcast while working). I think multi-tasking isn’t always productive. My mind is focusing on the podcast instead of what I am working on and slows me down so I listen to instrumental music or nothing at all.

The important stuff - what’s your favorite dessert? Oh yes! I come from a family of sugar-fiends so dessert is a part of life. I have celiac and cake is something I don’t get a lot of unless I make it or go to the local places I know that have it (like gluten free cupcakes, muffins, coffee cake, cake-like donuts). I can’t turn it down and have absolutely NO willpower if it is offered to me - gluten free of course.

Current Netflix binge: Abstract: The Art of Design”. A MUST for creatives to see!

Brunch or happy hour: Ugh you are going to make me choose! They are both great. Well, I have been doing more brunches than happy hours these days so I will say “brunch”.

What are you currently working on: I am designing some greeting cards for a licensing client and about to start branding and art direction for a design client. I am creating a few items to add to my store in time for Black Friday. Stay tuned for that...and I have available spots for coaching clients in December and January for artists interested in working me to coach them on their work and/or career. You can do hourly calls or packages with me!

Love Jeanetta's work as much as I do? You can download a free coloring page featuring her work here!

You can visit Jeanetta's site, or see more of her work on Instagram!

Let's make next year our best year yet, and grab yourself the 2020 Rule The World Planner! If you're ahead of the game, be sure to sign up to receive a special freebie for ordering!