Creative Crush // Amanda Joy

The Matsumoto Studio sisters introduced me to Amanda, and I'm so excited to share her art with you today! Can we all travel to Hawaii and meet the amazing talent there?!

Amanda Joy Amanda Joy Amanda Joya6dec25de0c12ed12b51f002e8774341image   Amanda JoyWHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS : ​My favorite thing is the feeling of having no limits. When you are a free-spirited adventure seeker, it is very hard to be involved in places and people that create boundaries for you. When I am free to roam and create, I feel like I am unstoppable...and that attitude will make you successful.FAVORITE CANDY/TREAT : I am so into açaí bowls! If you don't know what that is, I suggest you come to Hawaii and try one.WHAT'S A RECENT FAVORITE FIND :  ​My most recent find is actually this spot me and my friend found. It's basically at a beach, but no one goes there at night. We surfed all afternoon and hung out after sunset and were the only ones there. We discovered there's these two pueos (owls) that live in the big tree on the beach! Pueos aren't really common to see just anywhere in Maui, so you feel pretty special when you see them. We were freaking out watching them flying by us, they were on the hunt! It was great, just chillin' with some hot dogs, a few beers, and taking in the simple joys of life!TELL US HOW YOU GOT STARTED WITH YOUR ART :  I was born with it and have been creating my whole life since I was a kid. I won my first two art contests when I was ten years old and I guess it grew on me that other people liked what I did. My grandfather LT was an artist and Billboard sign painter. I have his blood running through my veins.
ANY ADVICE FOR FELLOW ENTREPRENEURS : ​Show the world what YOU can do, even if it's like really really weird. There are people out there who like weird! I love weird! It shows everyone that you are not afraid to be different, and that fearlessness will gain you some mad respect. And you might have "haters" in the process, but you have got to let the positive vibes overrule all of the negative vibes. Remember those in our past history who had tons of Dr.Seuss and Picasso. Look at their worth now. Make it your goal to be successful while you're still living, breathing, and creating. Convince people that what you do has value not only to you, but to the world. Always always always be creating things and learning new things every single day. Keep the mind very open and flowing, open up that third eye! Take in everything this world has to offer and don't be judgmental. Network hardcore and start meeting people of all ages. Teaching kids has taught me to keep a tight grasp on my crazy imagination and working with the elderly has taught me to take advantage of my youth and my time now to work my butt off. One of my favorite sculptors Constantin Brancusi once said, "Create like a GOD, command like a KING, work like a SLAVE." Enough said.WHO'S A FELLOW ENTREPRENEUR YOU'RE CRUSHING ON RIGHT NOW :  ​ ​My newest creative friend I met: Ariana Hornkohl who lives on Maui too and makes gorgeous bikinis! check her website out!
Get to know Amanda