Creative Crush // Matsumoto Studio

Sogal, of Sogi's Honey Bakeshop introduced me to the adorable sister duo behind Matsumoto Studio. I was so excited to talk to two sisters who have already taken the path that Danielle and I are taking. I'm so excited to refresh Sugar and Type and introduce our new jewelry line, and really show off my sisters talent (but more on that later).      

Matsumoto Studio Matsumoto Studio Matsumoto Studio Matsumoto Studio
WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS : ​Jen: Even if it is work, I feel like I am playing all day. I stay up late because I do not want to stop what I am doing. I am also able to work with my sister. We collaborate, bounce ideas back and forth and enjoy the fun challenges that come along the way.
Jes: I love the combination of freedom and responsibility. I love the feeling of being free to design and create without constraints. However, knowing that I am responsible for both our failure and success is scary and exciting yet very rewarding all at the same time.

FAVORITE CANDY/TREAT :Jen: Chocolate. chip. cookies. Anything chocolate really. When I am up working it is the perfect thing to get me through the night.Jes: Unlike my sister, I'm not a sweets person at all but I do have a mega weakness for breakfast burritos.WHAT'S A RECENT FAVORITE FIND :  ​Jen: Spotify's "Mood" playlists. Gets me off the top 100 and sets the stage for a working environment for any time of day.Jes: Not very recent but everything about this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson makes me happy.TELL US HOW YOU GOT STARTED WITH YOUR COMPANY :  Our graphic design backgrounds was a gateway into designing stationery. Growing up, our Mom always influenced us to write thank you cards and notes. Naturally this became a habit and as people moved into digital thank you's we still continued to buy and write cards. This appreciation for hand written notes and "snail mail" gave us inspiration for our stationery line.WHY DO YOU BLOG : ​We blog to stay connected and creative. Blogging is like Matsumoto Studio's public diary. We like to share what we are up to so people can get a glimpse into Matsumoto Studio's life. Blogging is also a way to release thoughts and ideas but most importantly, a record and reminder of all the steps we took a long the way to be where we are today.

ANY ADVICE FOR FELLOW ENTREPRENEURS : ​ Set goals, stay consistent and always do your best. Be honest with yourself and people you work with because that will always make an honest business.WHO'S A FELLOW ENTREPRENEUR YOU'RE CRUSHING ON RIGHT NOW :  ​ ​Jen: Amanda Bowers. A fellow Maui girl who's traveled and moved to pursue art, she puts a lot of care into her craft. From painting on canvases, surfboards to custom footwear, I admire Amanda's ability to adjust to different media and always leave room for surprises along the way.Jes: Jackie Jones of Think All Day - we went to college together and I have always been a fan of her artistic style. We recently reconnected again and her work is even more awe-inspiring. I enjoy keeping up with her life, work and travels on instagram (she and her husband are renovating an old home!) and the We Think All Day blog.
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