Creative Crush // Courtney from Pizzazzerie

My virtual BFF, Melissa of Design Eat Repeat, tagged Courtney from Pizzazzerie as her creative crush, and I can totally see why! I've been following Courtney for some time now, and she's pretty great. 

pizzazzerie pizzazzerie pizzazzerie pizzazzerie

WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS : My favorite thing about running my own business is setting my own schedule. This has always been important to me but now with a newborn, it's critical! I can work when I have a minute and stop when the baby needs me (or I want to have a lunch date with a friend!). I love the flexibility. And I like working in yoga pants. Ha.FAVORITE CANDY/TREAT :  Much of my job is adding embellishments to food, parties, etc. But when it comes to treats, I keep it simple. I love a plain white cupcake with vanilla frosting. And sprinkles. Must.Have.Sprinkles.WHAT'S A RECENT FAVORITE FIND : With a baby and zero time, I'm always looking for ways to make life more efficient. I recently discovered Walgreen's photo app that lets you send photos to print straight from your phone (square shape for instagram too), and they're ready in hour. Finally all those frames around the house can get a little update!TELL US HOW YOU GOT STARTED WITH YOUR COMPANY : I was working full-time as a career counselor and was not creatively fulfilled at all. After spending countless hours browsing the web for party ideas, I decided to start my own site to fulfill myself creatively. I adored the sites already out there and was fascinated with the “business” behind running a blog. I knew it would be a big learning curve as I hadn’t the slightest clue how to start a website. So I started with a name and went from there.WHY DO YOU BLOG : I blog as my business but mainly, a creative outlet! I've always been crafty + creative. I grew up watching my Mom contribute table ideas and DIYs to magazines so the apple didn't fall far from the tree I suppose! I also blog to share projects I'm doing for some of my clients.

ANY ADVICE FOR FELLOW ENTREPRENEURS : Take a long look at whether or not you can eat, breathe, live, love your job. I knew that Pizzazzerie could go full time (or that I had the drive for it to) when I realized I'd rather sacrifice sleep and pretty much everything else for it :) When you love something THAT much, it's a good sign.WHO'S A FELLOW ENTREPRENEUR YOU'RE CRUSHING ON RIGHT NOW :  Tessa Huff of StyleSweetCA. Tessa was actually a stylist for my Frostings cookbook and has since launched StyleSweet CA which is a total mecca of creative cake and dessert ideas. She's so so talented.
Get to know Courtney // Site // Facebook // Twitter  // Pinterest // Instagram