Creative Crush // Marissa of Bourbon and Goose

Remember when Christie of Bedsidesign was featured a couple weeks ago? I was so excited when she tagged Marissa as her creative crush. Marissa is here today to talk about candy, running a business!Bourbon and Goose on Sugar and Type Bourbon and Goose on Sugar and Type Bourbon and Goose on Sugar and Type Bourbon and Goose on Sugar and Type Bourbon and Goose on Sugar and Type Bourbon and Goose on Sugar and TypeWHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS : Being in charge of my own time. I realize more and more every day that time really is the most valuable commodity. I think it was spending 2 years of my life in the car commuting for 2 hours a day that enlightened me.FAVORITE CANDY/TREAT :  I have a huge sweet tooth and had it under control for about 5 years but when I met Sam and discovered he hides candy everywhere I became addicted again. All time faves: chewy Now and Laters, Sour Patch Kids and Vero Rebanaditas.WHAT'S A RECENT FAVORITE FIND : This is a hard one because I have a couple right now so I'll make it short and sweet:Favorite band: Nightmare and the Cat (Thanks to seeing them at a recent SOFAR show)Favorite food: Red QuinoaFavorite Drink: Kentucky Mules (must be served in a copper mug with Buffalo Trace—trust me, it's the only way to have it.)Favorite Podcast: Can't get enough of Danielle La Porte's audio sessions and my friend recently got me hooked on the podcast, Homefries from Joy the Baker and Tracy from Shutterbean.TELL US HOW YOU GOT STARTED WITH YOUR COMPANY : After 6 years of doing creative direction and design for an online beauty company, I decided it was time for a break. I took a sabbatical for a couple of months. During that time I seized every opportunity to hear people talk about their life journey, attended a couple creative camps and spent a ton of time reconnecting with myself. After all that, it dawned on me that I just needed jump back in the game and pursue my own passions. You only get one shot in this life so why not make it count, right?HOW GREAT IS IT WORKING TOGETHER, AND DO YOU HAVE A "NO MORE WORK TALK" TIME OF DAY : I love working with Sam. He's great partner both at home and in the studio. When we aren't creating together, we love to get outdoors—aka off the grid, and this activity has been great for our communication. At home, we mainly brainstorm on photo shoots, Sam's jewelry collection he's launching and testing out cocktail recipes for #happyhourclub. It's sounds like all fun and games but it really is work! ;)WHY DO YOU BLOG : In the beginning I blogged as a creative outlet from my day job but now it's been a valuable tool for the business. It allows potential clients and collaborators to get a sense of my style and personality. Recently, I relaunched the site with a focus on photography inspiration, cocktail recipes from my friends who I have dubbed cocktail curators and behind the scenes series about the B&G Studio. I also love that it has allow me to connect with people from all over the world, like Christie from Bedsidesign.

ANY ADVICE FOR FELLOW ENTREPRENEURS : Don't give up. I know it's easy to say but trust me, you need to hear (or read) it. The journey will be challenging at times because you are your own boss but find your circle of trust, be gentle with yourself (even Beyonce has bad days) and as Danielle LaPorte would say, put FEAR at the back of the bus. You really can do this!WHO'S A FELLOW ENTREPRENEUR YOU'RE CRUSHING ON RIGHT NOW : Eileen Lee from LA/LOVETTA. She's a master at social media, has an incredible eye for finding vintage treasures and above all is a fabulous person. I adore her!
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