Creative Crush // Jordan Blaser

I loved having half of Postmark Society, Lindsey McLaughlin featured on my Creative Crush series, and I'm so excited to have the other half, Jordan Blaser. I love that they have each other to bounce ideas off of, and talk shop with!      Miss Blaser on Sugar and Type   Miss Blaser on Sugar and Type Miss Blaser on Sugar and Type   Miss Blaser on Sugar and Type Miss Blaser on Sugar and TypeWHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS : My favorite thing is being my own client. I love being inspired to create something and then seeing my own vision come to life in the final product. I love seeing the same thing happen with my business partner Lindsey. We are great at being each other's art directors because we both understand our individual styles as well as our strengths and weaknesses.FAVORITE CANDY/TREAT :  Powdered sugar Hostess Donettes. Mmmm boy!WHAT'S A RECENT FAVORITE FIND : My husband and I just saw J.D. McPherson live and it was magical. J.D. + Nick Waterhouse = my summer soundtrackTELL US HOW YOU GOT STARTED WITH YOUR COMPANY : Lindsey and I became friends in college and we learned that worked really well together. I had bounced a few ideas for Postmark Studios off of her and knew we had to become a team. We are still in the beginning stages so keep your eyes peeled for fun things to come!WHY DO YOU BLOG : Probably so I don't talk my husband's ear off with my ramblings, but mainly to keep a journal and share my life with my family that are spread over a few different states.

ANY ADVICE FOR FELLOW ENTREPRENEURS : There is no better time to get your creative work out then right now. You just have to start small. That is why we stared with downloadable PDFs we are working our way to real products.WHO'S A FELLOW ENTREPRENEUR YOU'RE CRUSHING ON RIGHT NOW : Rifle Paper Co is a given. I will always be crushing on their founder Anna Bond. October Ink in Salt Lake City is also a fave. Those ladies are always creating pretty things.
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