DIY // The Ten Plagues Goodie Bag

Every year my mom spends countless hours getting the house and food ready for Passover. This year, I offered to take on a little more to help her out. My mom gladly gave me the task of creating the ten plagues, a tradition she created a couple years ago. She asked me to find something to represent each of the ten plagues, and that I did! I had so much fun, and I'm so excited to share my first DIY with you!Sugar and Type DIY Ten Plagues

I went to three different stores to get all the materials for this post, and there's no right or wrong here, the point is to have fun! I made a list of the ten plagues, and brainstormed before I went to the store.

1) Blood - my family loves cinnamon, so I knew I wanted fireballs, or something similar. I went with mini red hots.2) Frogs - I had my fingers crossed for gummi frogs and I found them! Green Jelly Beans would work too!3) Lice - I considered using the sno-caps for this, or rice, but ended up with the tic-tacs because they're delicious.4) Wild Animals - DINOSAURS! Heck yes.5) Killing of Livestock - I went with the sno-caps here because they're black and white like cows6) Boils - french burnt peanuts, they're not my favorite candy, but they sure look the part!7) Hail - white rock candy! They come on a string so I cut the sections up.8) Locusts - I used candy bugs that have goo inside - they were gummi and delicious9) Darkness - Licorice! My family loves licorice, but you could use a chocolate instead10) Killing of the First Born - South Patch Kids!

After picking out the candy, I went home and separated it into piles. We had 12 people at our Sedar, so I divided the goodies among clear bags. You can get clear bags at any craft store. Since they have an open flap, I wanted to seal them closed with a sticker, so I designed something in Adobe Illustrator, and fit 12 on a page, and printed it on Avery Sticker Project Paper. I cut each circle out individually instead of printing on actual circle stickers. I've attached the PDF here so you can try it at home! Tomorrow, I'll be sharing how they looked on our Sedar table!DSC_0268 Sugar and Type Ten Plagues

I can't wait to see how you use this for your holiday! Maybe you make a similar idea for your Easter Meal! If you do, please share it with me on InstagramTwitterFacebook, or in the comments below! I can't wait to see what you create!