Freelance // Do it for the love

DoitforloveI recently stumbled upon Rock N Roll Bride, and knew immediately I wanted to keep this blog on my radar. The pink hair alone had me fan-girling, but then I discovered the incredible content. This post really resonated with me. Lately, I've been having some great conversations with fellow creatives in a similar position as mine, and we've had discussions about authenticity many times. When you're trying to make ends meet by being a creative force, you have to stay true to yourself, while pushing your boundaries. You have to look forward to those client projects that serve as a huge creative challenge. While we might hate doing our taxes, or wearing one of the thousand hats, we have to embrace it, and remember it's part of what gives us the opportunity to own our own business. I work nights and weekends because I LOVE THIS. I choose to do this, and am so lucky I am able to. Kat said "why not take a part time job to pay those bills while you pursue the kind of career you really want?". CAN I GET AN AMEN!? Starting your own business is scary, uncertain, amazing, and a lot of work. Putting in those hours is totally worth it, especially when you remind yourself "this is allowing me to do what I love".LEAVE A REPLY