Spokes and Ink // Joe Guy Allard
UncategorizedIlana Griffoart crank, artwork, bicycle, bike, bike art, cycling, festivals, joe guy, rochester, spokes and ink, upstate ny
Creative Crush // Christie of Bedsidesign
Creative CrushIlana Griffocalligrapher, calligraphyc, creative crush, girl crush, graphic design, ink, long island, small business, syracuse ny, upstate ny, wedding, women owned business
Freelance // Do it for the love
Design // Scratch Photoshoot
DesignIlana Griffobake shop, bakery, cookies, cupcakes, donuts, french macaroon, instagram, kickstarter, macaroon, photoshoot, rochester designer, rochester ny, rochester wedding invitations, sugar and type, upstate ny
Launched: Grain and Salt NY
Design, LaunchedIlana Griffoburlap, catering, food photography, small biz, sugar and type, upstate ny, web design, website, wordpress