Spokes and Ink // Joe Guy Allard

Kate's here again today with another incredible artist, Joe Guy Allard. I most definitely have one of Joe's ghostbuster prints hanging up in our hallway.Joe Guy Spokes and InkJoe Guy Allard's signature green characters--often robots and aliens-- can be seen around town as part of Dude's Night Out art collective and at coffee shops, bars, and comic book shops across our region. You can buy this poster at Spokes & Ink on June 7. See more of Joe's work on his website. Details about the event are on the Spokes and Ink website. 

Spokes & Ink is a festival that celebrates community, cycling, and creativity.  Now in its fourth year, this event draws hundreds of bike lovers-- from everyday commuters to occasional cruisers-- to hear live music, drink local craft beer, snag some poster art, and more.  Details are on the website.
Kate Edgerton works at Genesee Center for the Arts & Education as a communications specialist and is one of the organizers of Spokes & Ink.