Double your Pinterest Stats in One Month for FREE

I'm here to tell you exactly HOW I doubled my Pinterest stats in one month, for free. I realized a few months ago that I needed to utilize this platform more (for reasons I'll share below) and I'm excited to share what I learned along the way.Double Your Pinterest Stats in One MonthDo you know where your ideal clients are hanging out? Which platforms are they most active on, and which conferences are they hanging out at? You might immediately jump to a specific platform, but to be frank, you could be totally wrong! I've spent a lot of time planning content for Instagram over the years - because it's where I enjoy spending my time the most. I mostly use the platform to share my work, and I assumed that's why my followers were there too. After some research, I realized that a lot of my following is full of my peers (hey that's you!), so I changed the way I approached the platforms, and looked into my other platforms too!


First, figure out where your people are - are they hanging out in facebook groups, looking for your services on Instagram, getting into witty conversations on Twitter, or are they spending most of their time on Pinterest? While there are probably dream clients on each one of the platforms, I'm going to focus on Pinterest today, and how I increased my traffic in ONE MONTH FOR FREE.


I love delegating. When I first started working for myself, I wore too many hats, and didn't wear them all well. Now, whether it be a system or a person, I've found ways to make my life easier by handing off tasks. For Pinterest, I looked at both options, and decided to do my research and try to make the platform work best for me before investing in a Pinterest Manager (yep, that's a thing!). I started by hopping on Pinterest and searching for articles about growing your account, and using it to get people to your site. I read them, took notes, and got to work. The one common thread I noticed was people talking about Tailwind - a Pinterest scheduling app. I actually already had the app, but hadn't really used it much because I didn't understand it (evidence that you get out of things what you give in), so I decided to give myself one month to learn what I needed to, and see how it goes. Using an app is absolutely a form of delegation, it's affordable, and helps you be more effective with your daily tasks. Once you've finished the free trial - the app is 9.99, which is a small price to pay for delegation!


Within a day I started seeing results. I wasn't looking for more followers, but more clicks to my website, and more views on my content. Over the course of the month I actually doubled my average views, and I know to keep up with it will require dedicated time and energy. The app is super easy to use, you add an extension to your browser (I use Chrome) and instead of pressing the pinterest button, you can click on the tailwind Icon, and schedule your pins. The program automatically spaces out your pins, making your account more active and involved throughout the day (instead of just at 1am when you're wide awake and pinning from under the covers). Here are some things I love about it:

  • Schedule Pins for a whole month - this is exactly what I did. I spent about a week constantly pinning, and spanning them out throughout the month. One day's work for a whole month of results.
  • Put your popular Pins on Loop - You can have your best content re-appear as if it's a new pin, but it's just circulating instead of having the same pin a thousand times.
  • Join Tribes to build community - This is a great way to connect with others, and help each other spread your best content. It's typically a "one for one" - where you'll pin someone else's content in exchange for yours. They're large groups, and you should find one that makes sense for your brand.
  • Check stats and analytics easily - I saw more blog comments, and figured out my most popular content which helps me create better content in the future.


There's a ton of other ways to use Tailwind, and I haven't even scratched the surface, but what I've learned so far is working great for me, and is allowing me more time to spend creating the content I want to see in circulation. I'm learning what my customers are looking for, and love the ease of it. There are tons of resources online to learn more about the app, and other systems (like creating custom board covers) but this has been working just fine for me, and I can't wait to hear how it works for you!There are plenty of people offering Pinterest management if this all feels like too much work for you - like my friends at Pinegate Road! Either route you decide to go, I hope this helped you figure out which route to go, and that you learned something!