Email Management App Review

Email Management App ReviewA while back, I wrote about how I keep my inbox neat and tidy. I mentioned that I've been using an email management app, mostly because I have way too many tabs open at all times, so keeping gmail open (what I used to do) was just too much. I'm about two months into my new system, and I'm really enjoying it!Newton has a beautiful interface - it's easy to use, I can link all of my accounts (CRITICAL). I like that I can turn it off, and that I can choose to have notifications. Newton also has "read receipts" so I can find out if someone has read my emails (like a client who isn't paying), however I haven't turned this on, because I haven't needed it, and I think I'd be addicted to checking. I can see how it can definitely come in handy though! My favorite feature is definitely the "send later" - sometimes I hop on the computer pretty late, and I'll prep an email for the morning, or maybe I don't want to email my client during a certain time of day, I can just schedule it to send later, and poof! I've used this feature with Boomerang too, but I like that this is built right into Newton.While I don't use it - you CAN supercharge your inbox by syncing it with some awesome apps, like Asana and Evernote.Improvements: When I open the app on my phone, my inbox goes berserk - it basically does a timelapse of the changes that have happened in my inbox since the last time I opened it. I think since I don't have the app running while it's closed, that's why I'm experiencing this - however, it's pretty quick, and makes me laugh because it's crazy how much movement my inbox see's in a day (as I'm sure yours does too!). The other thing is that searching my multiple inboxes (i love how I can find ANYTHING in gmail) isn't quite as easy, but it hasn't been a major problem since I archive!I vote for you giving Newton a try for 14 days FREE - and nope, they're not paying me to say this, I don't have an affiliate link - I just figured maybe it'd save you a couple headaches!