Working with Family & Friends

Working with Friends and FamilyLast week, I wrote a post on working for exposure (or not). I wanted to mention some things I've learned when working with family, but figured it deserved it's own post.Working with Friends and Family is another touchy subject. It's so important to check in with your own values, boundaries and comfort zone. I work with a few non-profits that are near and dear to my heart, and I've gifted my services to family/friends before, but I've quickly learned my limits. I've asked friends/family to pay for materials/expenses (printing, paper, etc) but given them my time as a gift. I've also told friends my pricing, maybe offering a 10% discount. When I was just starting out, I took every opportunity I could get, and looked at it as a chance to grow my portfolio, especially while I still had a roof over my head and food in my belly. When it comes to non-profits or organizations that mean something to you, or family and friends, follow your gut - write up a contract so it's clear that you're donating X amount of time or XYZ in materials. Draw the lines you feel comfortable with.When it comes to internships, obviously a paid internship is a total win. I had multiple internships in college, some paid, some not, and I learned from both. Talk to your professors, or make sure to apply to multiple positions, and see where it takes you!The bottom line: find what feels good, and know that it will change every few months/years/days, so check in with yourself regularly! I keep a google document with my short and long term goals (and I use my Rule The World Planner!) so I can revisit and check in on what my hopes/dreams are, and if this project aligns with them. Have you worked with friends and family before? How did it go, and how did you value your boundaries?